Beer Kimble RULEZ
Kimble is a traditional board game, but if you don't own a board, you
can also play the virtual
The goal is to get your four men in maali/mål, finish your beers and make
sure that the other players are drunk as rabbits.
In the beginning the one who gets the highest number begins. When a player
doesnt have any men going round the board, he has three (3) shots with the
dice. If he gets 6, he can move the first man to start and throw again.
Note that the player has to move his man if its possible.
The players throw the dice and try to reach another player and eat him. It
is also legal to try to make an agreement with other team/s that you dont
eat each other but kick others asses together.
The game ends when somebody has all men in the goal and he has drunken all
his beer. If you feel like starting a new game right away, you have
probably not played the game in the right way!
When a player has his man in his own start the man can not be eaten. If
another player comes to that spot at the same time when you are there, he
gets eaten and has to do the penalty.
Jag bor I hembo
If the player gets eaten and all his men end up being in the home base
hembo, the player has to say Jag bor I hembo before the next team reaches
the dice. If he doesnt do that, he gets the penalty (so an extra penalty
in addition to the one he already got when coming back to home base). The
players are not allowed to say Jag bor I hembo just for fun, if they do
so, they will get penalty.
If the player throws two 6s in the row, he can double, that means turning
the man upside down, putting the other man in DOUBLE and making it twice
as worthy. If your double gets eaten by a single, you have to drink two
penalties and if your double eats somebody, he has to drink twice as much.
When a double eats double, you drink 4 times as much and so on. See also
Same as doubling, but you have to get three 6s in a row to be able to do
it and you have to drink minimum of 3 penalties.
If every team has one man in the goal already and you get 6, you can
raise. Raising means that every team has to take one man from the goal and
return it to home base and everybody gets a penalty. The same team cannot
raise again before all the other teams have raised once.
VERSION 1.1 and 1.2
There are different versions of Beer Kimble depending on how professional
Kimble player you are.
Professional Kimble
In the most professional Kimble you have 45 seconds time to serve your
sentence and drink a bottle of 5,2% beer. If you have been eaten by a
double you can breath and relax 30 seconds before starting with the 2nd
beer, so altogether it can take 45s+30s+45s=2 minutes They same formula is
used with triples etc.
Proff Kimle is a team game and each team consists of 2 players. Only one
of the two team members has to drink and the team can decide by itself
which one is the one getting punished at that time.
Leisure Kimble
Leisure Kimble can be either team or individual game. If teams are used,
all players in one team have to drink up the punishment and not just one
like in Proff Kimble. Leisure Kimble is often played with half a bottle
penalties and one doesnt have to drink the beer right away in certain
time, but it can be saved as buffer. However, to be able to win the team
has to finish all its beers.
Have nice nights and mornings with Kalja-Kimble!