Pre-Christmas Sauna Weekend 2015!


Some LC Helsinki action! We are throwing a party called Pre-Christmas Sauna Weekend together with other local international associations during 23.-30.11.2015 with 10 international attendees:

Marta Borucka JLC Gdansk
Anke Pfeiffer JLC Karlsruhe
Marcel Schnirring JLC Karlsruhe
Mustafa Barış Ateş LC Ankara
Alina Tucunete LC Bucharest
Onur Demir LC Istanbul
Merve Ela Güler LC Izmir
Miguel  Barbero Hernández LC Madrid
Manuel Álvarez Rodríguez LC Madrid
Stefanie Thanner LC Munich

In addition to these official participandas we have around 40 other partypeople from cities such as Vienna/Kiev/Tallinn/Grenoble/Ljubljana/Tampere/Helsinki! We are accommodating everyone at our rental premises and homes of local students. The programme together with breakfast and two hot meals costs only 50 euros.

The schedule is about following:

Day What?
Mon 23.11. Arrivals, Helsinki-sights, Bar-life, Otaniemi-tour
Tue 24.11.
Wed 25.11.
Thu 26.11.
Fri 27.11. Sitsit-parties
Sat 28.11. Sauna Crawling
Sun 29.11. Nuuksio-Survival + International Evening
Mon 30.11. Departures


— Ukko,
Main Organizer