Love traveling? Interested in international activities? Would you like to travel somewhere for a week and meet new people?
The Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association is an apolitical, non-governmental, and non-profit organization for EECS students at universities, institutes, and schools of technology. EESTEC is run through local committees (LC) or LC candidates throughout Europe; currently over, 55 clubs exist in over 30 countries. The clubs organize approximately one-week-long events, ranging from subject-matter-centered workshops to more relaxed cultural exchanges, featuring daily programs from early morning until late-night after-parties.
EESTEC aims to develop international contacts and encourage the exchange of ideas among EECS students through professional workshops, cultural student exchanges, and publications. Through various activities, EESTEC creates opportunities for students to develop academically, professionally, and socially.
Get to know EESTEC: As a member of Aalto University ELEC guilds (SIK, AS, Inkubio) or TiK member you are automagically an EESTEC LC Helsinki member.
You usually only have to pay for airline tickets when traveling to an event. Accommodations, meals, and even evening parties are arranged by the organizer. For example, imagine around 25 participants from 15 different countries enjoying a warm night in Madrid or Istanbul, with locals guiding you to the best spots in their country. This is your chance to build relationships with students from across Europe, especially in your field of study! All you have to do is pack your bags and hop on a plane. You get a mini exchange through EESTEC that is guaranteed to be memorable.
You can find all the upcoming events from our mailing list, the advertisements of your guild, and eestec dot net. Also check out the travel guide and travel stories!
EESTEC has long traditions in Otaniemi. Check our older websites, or even older websites from 1994-1995!
Finland is represented in EESTEC by two LC’s: LC Helsinki and LC Tampere. The background of the website is a photo taken from LC Finland WokShop, or Finnish LC yearly cottage weekend. The event is well known throughout Europe from its Finnish lakes and sauna.
EESTEC LC Helsinki was once an active local committee but is not unfortunately active anymore. You can read the blog post LC Helsinki not an LC anymore 🙁 – Would you like to revive the association? Contact the former chairperson for details.
EESTEC: Europe is your living room!