LC Helsinki not an LC anymore :(

Day of mourning!

LC Helsinki’s official EESTEC membership was discontinued at annual ECM 2015 -event, meaning we are not an LC anymore. We shared this fate together with LC Tallinn as they have not organized official events for the previous two years or so. We (or mostly I) have tried to keep the LC Helsinki alive, as we have …

  • applied for EU-grants of 20,000 euros trough gruesome processes, filling 80-page applications with pre-planned weekly schedules down to the minute
  • had attendees in every Congress and ECM (international EESTEC events with mandatory attendance by local board)
  • organized unofficial local events annually and invited e.g. LC Tampere and other neighboring LC’s such as Tallinn and Linköping to these
  • tried to organize official events on yearly basis, but these have failed due to lack of organizers or withdrawal of sponsors
  • made preliminary arrangements with the local ELEC guilds how to continue the activities, secured a yearly budget from the school

So, unfortunately the local activities have faded from the ten-person local boards as we have not found new chairperson candidates, even though direct intimidation and shouting have been used.

It is easy to continue the local activities Local Helsinki people can attend the events normally after the former LC Helsinki has applied for the status of Observer Helsinki at an EESTEC Congress– or ECM-meetings. ELEC-school has an yearly budget of 500 euros for running EESTEC-activities – The idea is that EESTEC LC Helsinki would be a gathering and binding actor for all the ELEC-guilds international activities, facilitating international activities for common good. Most of the 500 yearly budget have been used for mandatory Congress attendances, where we have promoted Aalto for thousands of students in separate Student Fair type of events. Aalto/TKK has gained multiple exchange students via EESTEC events, and some of these have moved to Finland after their studies!


If you’re not finding Congress- or ECM-representatives, event organizers may approve people from (LC) Helsinki unofficially to their events. According to the official rules we can apply from the Observer class back to an LC via Junior LC by organizing international events. Organizing international events should be easy even on a yearly basis if the ELEC-guilds + TiK co-operate!

Any questions? Send email to one of our old chairpersons, and request for usernames/passwords for these websites, mailing lists and complete “how to run an international association” -testaments.. not to forget the complete yearly archives including e.g. sitsi-leaflets and such from the beginning of the 90s!

The timing of the LC discontinue decision was in a way “perfect” as we were organizing Pre-Christmas Parties for around 40 people during it.

Some discussions from alumni can be found from Facebook. (Also saved here.)